Set Your Course For Alderaan / The Ultimate Power In The Universe0 / 7

Not Unique | F

Deploy Death Star and Alderaan systems and Docking Bay 327.

For remainder of game, Revolution is canceled and Commence Primary Ignition may target only Alderaan, Yavin 4, Hoth or a Subjugated planet.

While this side up, once during each of your deploy phases, may take one card with "Death Star" in title into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. You may not Force drain at Alderaan system. At Death Star sites, your Force drains and battle damage against you are canceled.

Flip this card if Alderaan is "blown away."

While this side up, once during each of your deploy phases, may deploy one battleground system from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. Your Star Destroyers deploy -2 (or -1 if Victory class) to Death Star system. Your Force drains at battleground systems where you have a Star Destroyer are each +1 (or +2 if that Star Destroyer is Imperial - or Super -class). If Yavin 4 system is "blown away," adds 3 to Force lost for each opponent's Yavin 4 site.

Place out of play if Death Star is "blown away."